Welcome to Solo Cleaners' Success Academy
Here you'll find online courses on everything you need to know as a solo cleaner, whether its how to start your solo cleaning business, improve what you're already doing, learn about professional products or take your business to the next level!
There's also a private Facebook group for support before, during and after you've completed the courses.
Join us at www.facebook.com/groups/solocleaners
Hi, I'm Helen
I started up my solo cleaning business in September 2020 when my kids went back to school after lockdown. I needed a job to tide me over until my next IT training contract.
By the time the contract came up, I was earning way more cleaning part-time than I did working in IT full-time in a 'proper job' AND I still go to do the school run each day.
Now in my fourth year of business, I'm still going strong. I've learned so much about running a solo cleaning business, what works and what doesn't and how to make the most income in the least time.
Having worked as a trainer for over 10 years, I love teaching and I can't wait to share my knowledge with you so you can start earning the money you deserve.
Michelle, Naturally Tidy
I came across Helen on Instagram whilst setting up my own cleaning business. Helen was happy to connect with me online and answer any questions I had. She has been such an inspiration and I was so grateful for the professional experience and advice that she shared with me.
Gleam & Shine Cleaning Services
Helen, thank you so much for this course and all the hard work you are putting in to help us all. I have been going almost a year, and the constant questioning I do in my head is unreal. I feel like you have answered a huge one for me tonight. Your course was brilliant, straight to the point, honest and very informative. Thank you
Miss Marigold
Helen, fantastic, friendly & a font of all cleaning knowledge!
I have reached out to Helen a few times for help & tips with my deep cleans. She has always been on hand & given great advice whenever I have asked.